Computer & Communication Industry Association

CCIA Joins PIPA/SOPA Blackout

The Computer & Communications Industry Association blacked out its website Wednesday, along with a countdown clock to the Senate’s planned vote on its flawed legislation January 24.
More than 6200 websites participated in the blackout with news coverage focusing on the impact of sites like Wikipedia and Craigslist going dark for a day and asking people to call their senator asking them to vote against the PROTECT IP Act, known as PIPA.
Members of the House and Senate reported record numbers of phone calls and by days end Senators Hatch, R-Utah, Rubio, R-Fla, Cornyn, R-Texas and Merkeley, D-Oregon were among those pulling their support.
CCIA’s Ed Black spoke with CNN and Cox-TV to help explain the dangers of SOPA and PIPA. Basically making tech and telecom companies liable for what’s on the Internet would fundamentally change what is on the Internet. It would cause companies to self censor to avoid the new liabilities from these proposed regulations.