Computer & Communication Industry Association

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CCIA is an international, not-for-profit trade association representing a broad cross section of communications and technology firms. For more than 50 years, CCIA has promoted open markets, open syste...


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CCIA Announces New Chief Of Its Brussels Office

The Computer & Communications Industry Association is pleased to welcome James Waterworth, who will begin leading CCIA’s Brussels office this week. CCIA is a global technology trade association ...

Upcoming Event: “Can Trade Agreements Facilitate the Free Flow of Information?: The Trans-Pacific Partnership as a Case Study”

The TPP, billed as the first 21st century trade agreement, is particularly important to advocates of an open Internet. The U.S. wants its TPP partners to accept language designed to protect IP, enco...

CCIA Asks Congress To Evaluate FISA Before A Renewal Vote

The House is scheduled to vote this week on a bill reauthorizing the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act for another five years.  The vote is scheduled despite complaints from Democrats at a hearin...

CCIA Responds to FCC Suspension of Dysfunctional Special Access Regulatory Regime

The FCC voted to suspend its rules on pricing flexibility in the special access market on Thursday, citing the need for updated data collection from service providers. The current rules, adopted in...

FCC Approves Verizon Collaboration with Cable Companies

The Federal Communications Commission released its Order on Thursday approving the myriad of agreements between Verizon and its largest cable competitors.  The Order follows last week’s approval w...

DOJ Approves Verizon Cable Deal With Some Conditions

The Computer & Communications Industry Association appreciates the excellent work of the Justice Department and the FCC in reviewing a complex deal struck by Verizon and its largest cable competit...

Congress Offers SHIELD Against Junk Patent Lawsuits

Two members of Congress have introduced legislation to help innovators combat patent trolls. The bill, dubbed the SHIELD Act (Saving High-Tech Innovators from Egregious Legal Disputes Act) or HR 6245,...

Senate Commerce Committee Holds Hearing on Online Tax Collection

Despite current economic conditions, Congress seems to be proceeding with a new tax collection mandate. On Aug. 1, the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation will hold a hearing on I...

House Holds Hearing On Online Sales Tax Legislation

The Computer & Communications Industry Association continues to oppose H.R. 3179, the Marketplace Equity Act, on which the House Judiciary Committee will be holding a hearing July 24.  The bill w...

CCIA Praises House Hearing Focusing On Patent Troll Abuse

The House Judiciary’s Intellectual Property subcommittee had a hearing today on abusive patent litigation. All but one witness called for changes to the trade act of 1930.  Patent trolls are now us...